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Type:->>出租、出售 二手小型机HP 9000|IBM RS6000|SUN|SGI|ALPHA|AS400:->>>IBM:->>IBM 2827 GXT6000P

Product name】IBM 2827 GXT6000P
First Sale date】2003年1月
Tier】精 品 Model 】2827 Brows:】3775 Sales:】0
List price:call Member price:】call Save:】100 RMB Discount:】 97.00%
Number:】3 set Store:】3 set VIP price:】call present integral:】 1 point


The GXT6000P, with its hardware geometry accelerator chip implemented in the copper technology, supports the higher performance requirements of the more demanding user of advanced 3D workstations. It supports the higher performance requirements of the more demanding user of advanced 3D workstations and provides the highest level of graphics performance available for the RS/6000 workstations. The GXT6000P delivers significant advances in performance as measured by the Graphics Performance Characterization (GPC) benchmarks and, more importantly, within MCAD and MCAE applications.??In the GXT6000P, the geometry engine performs very high precision transformations on geometric models and provides clipping and multisource lighting.
128M 显卡;
Max. Screen Resolution : 1920 x 1200

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